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Rebecca Ruth Goutal BFA, RTC

Rebecca Goutal, BFA RTC Registered Therapeutic Counsellor

Co-Creator & Transformational Facilitator of
LoveAlive Transformative Arts & Therapy

Registered Therapeutic Counsellor


Long ago, without realizing it, I embarked on a Journey to fully express the truth of who I am and learn to know that I belong to this human family, and what I do has impact; a journey to join with others to mend the wounded aspects of our human family and learn to live in harmony with one another, our Earth Mother, and the Creatures who share this gift of life with us.

Sacred Seeds  ~ Photo by, Rebecca Goutal-min.jpg

The Seeds of who I am today

For as long as I can remember, my sensitivity & empathy has been very strong.

This has given me a keen interest in the inner workings of people (and all life) & a deep

compassion for the pain we carry.


I've always felt drawn to listen & support and over the years, people seemed drawn to talk & share their struggle. Eventually, this led to my decision to be trained as a counsellor.


From early in my life my deep love for Mother Earth, concern for all Life,

& personal challenge with trauma & depression inspired a spiritual quest for healing & commitment

to environmental & human rights activism.


Art, in all its forms became a profound place of solace for me; a realm where I could

explore and express my feelings and sense of the world, eventually leading to

sharing the Transformative power of Art & Creativity in groups.

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A Journey toward Healing in Relationships
 & Vision of Compassionate Interdependance

Throughout my life, I have felt the possibilities of Compassionate Interconnectedness with All Life &

at a certain point, I realized that, for humanity to care for human rights and the Earth,

we need to heal our Collective trauma.


I also found myself early in adulthood, struggling in my personal life and relationships. Although I’d experienced many beautiful times with people, I longed for deeper connection & harmony in my relationships - and I noticed many others felt this way too.


I saw how relationship triggers touch on old wounds, causing upsets and unearthing disempowering patterns, leading to more disconnect & pain. So, I became determined to understand this, to heal myself, learn how to create healthy thriving relationships, and how to support others to do the same ~

especially through the challenges of life.


These relational devotions led me to formal and informal studies in Psychology, Spirituality, Arts, Community, the Science of human change, and the Interconnectedness of all Life.

Formal & Informal Studies Leading to LoveAlive

Formal Education

Today, I am the Founder and CoCreator of Love Alive Transformative Arts & Therapy.

I am a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor (RTC) through the ACCT and a Transformative facilitator. I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Art with a Minor in Social Practice & Community Engagement from Emily Carr University and a Diploma in Transpersonal Psychology Counselling from Clearmind International Institute, along with an Advanced Certificate in Transformative Justice from Selkirk College where I co-created and facilitated Meant to be Art, a Creative Inclusion program, rooted in a Collaboration between the Transitional Training program (serving people with disabilities) and the Classroom & Community Support Worker program, with a mission to create meaningful connections through Community Art Projects college wide.  Training in Qi Gong with Soma Dao Qi Gong continues to be deeply illuminating to the somatic dimension of my practice as a cousellor and I am now a certified Traditional Qi Gong Teacher.

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Transformational Offerings

For over 2 decades I have been involved with numerous Transformative Arts and Therapeutic Workshops, Collaborations, and Artist Exhibitions through out BC, Canada and the US West Coast, some of which include: Relational Workshops at Empower Health, Jonson’s Landing Retreat Center, and for the men of Cwenengitel Aboriginal Recovery House; Co-facilitation of Women’s Circles and Bloom Girls Empowerment Project; a collaboration with MOSAIC; and with the David Suzuki Foundation Exhibiting my multi-media, interactive Art Installation, “Voice of a Forest”, at the Sunshine Coast Museum & Woodward’s Atrium; the Slocan Valley Youth Mural Project; and facilitation as cofounder of MythMaker, offering community multicultural storytelling, archetypal journeys, group process, and performance arts . I have also worked extensively with people with Quadriplegia and Muscular Dystrophy.


Informal Studies


For many years, I dedicated myself to a nature based way of life, learning in community, from homesteaders, wildcrafters, elders, and children. I feel blessed to have learned from the teachings and transformational practices of many spiritual traditions and sacred ceremonies, while my simple way of connecting to Source and direct learning from communion with Nature, remains at the core of who I am.


The journey of family has been one of my greatest joys and deepest teachers. I cherish my motherhood and blessed journey with my two amazing teenagers, our family, and beautiful Beloved,

Vince Wishart, Co-Creator of LoveAlive Transformative Arts & Therapy.


Today, we appreciate living in the Kootenays, nestled in the wilds of Nature, sharing the blessings of connection with people from all walks of life, and supporting people on the Sacred path of Transformation.

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Sharing in the the Blessings of Healing & Creating Compassionate Connection through the Seasons of Life

My journey of learning & growing has been a profoundly beautiful yet, sometimes bumpy one,

with many cycles of joy and pain and, deeper levels of healing and transformation,

requiring greater courage & reaping greater rewards.


I’ve come to understand first hand, what it takes to face deep self honesty, acknowledging uncomfortable truths and embracing my greatest potentials, stepping into the unknown to experience something new, activating new patterns of feeling, thought, and behaviours.

I know how challenging it can be and how incredibly rewarding the results are. This is why I love to share my empathy, compassion, and knowledge to support the healing journey of others.

As a fellow traveller on this Sacred Journey of Life, I would be honored to walk beside you and support you in your healing so you can create more

Love, Joy, & Resilience through the seasons of Life.

Rebecca and Cedar Tree

Rebecca Ruth Goutal BFA, RTC

Registered Therapeutic Counsellor

I invite you to

Free 20 minute consultations available

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"I once heard someone describe Rebecca as a being from another time and place.... where magic and miracles are common and there is plenty of spaciousness and inspiration for everyone to create beauty and celebrate life fully. I couldn't agree more.

A deeply thoughtful and considerate person Rebecca models a devotion to personal integrity and autonomy that's palatable. Being an empathic soul she creates a rapport of gentle kindness and compassion mixed with clear perception and fearless reflection.

It's a precious gift feeling supported by Rebecca. She is able to focus and arrive fully present in the moment holding sacred space and giving her undivided attention to the authentic experiences and expressions of others. Her level of self mastery and awareness fosters trust and encourages deep surrender to the healing process.
I consider our friendship to be one of the greatest blessings in my life."


Ashala Yardley
Author, Educator & Visionary Healer

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Slocan Valley & Nelson, B.C. First Nations Acknowledgement:

Gratefully living & working within the Ancestral Lands
of the Sinixt, Syilx, & Ktunaxa Nations. 


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 @ 2024 LoveAlive Transformative Arts & Therapy. All Rights Reserved

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