About LoveAlive
Rebecca & Vince are the Creators & Facilitators of
LoveAlive Transformative Arts & Therapy.

As a devoted couple, we are dedicated to the Healing & Transformational journey of becoming Conscious Creators of Compassionate Connection in our Relationship with ourselves,
in our Relationship with one another,
and in the world.
We see this as a way for us to "be the change", contributing to the Creation of the Vision of Compassionate Interdependance, as many of us are choosing to do, creating a butterfly effect of Transformation around the world.

Are you Ready for
Healing, Learning, Growth, & Transformation?
Are you Aspiring to
Create Healthy Thriving Relationships with yourself & others?
We invite you to explore
How we Support You
We Harmonize Powerful Perspectives & Traditions of
Psychology, Science, Arts, & Spirituality ~
To support deep integration of Health for
Mind, Heart, Body, & Spirit.
The Following is what informs our practice:

Transpersonal Psychology
A Spiritual Perspective
Offering Evidence based Counselling from a
Spiritually Sensitive Lens
LoveAlive is founded on the principals of Transpersonal (Spiritual) Psychology which works with the understanding that, through Divine Source (a Mystery greater than ourselves, known by many names) we are all interconnected and interdependent.
​These connections we share with all living beings are designed to sustain Life and to catalyze and nourish our spiritual growth.
​From this framework, it is understood that greater, more rapid personal growth, healing & fulfillment is possible through conscious connection with Divine Source & our own spiritual essence.
Transpersonal Psychology, supports the opening of
perceptive possibilities,
practices, and techniques for embracing the emotional challenges we experience internally and in relationships as opportunities to catalyze and nourish our spiritual growth and psychological maturity.
We respect & sensitively support you in your unique experience regarding spiritual, religious, & cultural identity & traditions.
A Person Centered Approach to Counselling
We are dedicated to empowering your innate capacity for the change you are seeking.
We relate from a place of personal authenticity and real connection.
We respect your unique identity & experience. With sensitivity, empathy, & compassion, we seek to understand your unique experience of life without making assumptions. We support your personal goals & process of discovery.
Existential Crisis - Supporting people through uncertainty
Extraordinary Experience & Medicine Ceremony Integration

Interconnectedness of Life
A Systems Approach ~ Ecology of our Lives
All Life is Interconnected & Interdependent ~
It's All about Relationships ~ Within Humanity, within the individual, & the Natural World
Understanding health through interconnections of the
Mind, Heart, Body, & Spirit
We are a Global Family & we support Diversity & Equality.
Family Systems Psychology & Ancestral Connections ~ The Ecology of Relationships ~ A process of seeking to understand the life experience, difficulties, gifts, patterns, & coping mechanisms in the family and passed down through generations in order to honour, heal, & grow in a connected way.
Somatic Psychology - the Wisdom of the Body ~ Mental Health grounded in the Neurobiology of the Body - Scientific understanding of the Mindbody Connection & how Sensations, States, Emotions, thoughts, stories, perception, & behaviour inter-relate.
Attachment Science - A Developmental Understanding of Relationships ~ understanding that our drive for connection and our drive for survival are woven together ~ Clarifying the basic building blocks of healthy relationships, the patterns that show up to cope with disruption, & how we can learn to repair our experience of relationships.
Gestalt Psychology - Experiential Therapies & Processes of Personal Discovery that go beyond talking about things. Experience is how we discover, learn, and create new neural pathways and patterns of behaviour.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy - Developing Awareness of how our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and behaviour influence one another & offering techniques to shift thinking and self talk to improve our emotional experience of life.

A Defining Feature of Humanity
Transformative Arts
Helping people remember how to connect with their Creativity as a Resource
Empowering people to be Creators in their own Life
Transformative Arts Techniques & Events
Creating Connection & Coherence inside and out
The Arts & Creativity are a defining feature of humanity.
Transformative Art works through the understanding that Creativity has the power
to transform & uplift consciousness.
At LoveAlive, we see the Arts & Creativity as a Divine gift; an ancient, natural way humans
harmonize the potent experiences of our Minds, Hearts, Bodies, & Spirits.
This coherence of being; this state of flow is the hallmark of a healthy vibrant life.
As seasoned Artists, we have rooted LoveAlive in the principals of Transformative Arts, understanding that,
the Arts are a way people can explore & express their depths, tap into new potentials, awaken to the vastness of our interconnected being, and experience the true treasures of our existence.

Conscious Hearted Communication
Through years of study & practice, inspired by my own personal challenges in relationships and communication along with my greater vision for kind, generative relating and compassionate interdependence,
I’ve developed an integrated combination of 3 foundational Pillars of Knowledge & Practice
to provide a Communication Model that helps you build the knowledge & skills you need for a greater capacity to Communicate with Clarity and Compassion
& Create Healthy Thriving Relationships.
1. Evidence Based Psychology & Therapeutic Models
(Described Above)
2. Compassionate Communication ~ Also known as
NonViolent Communication
Was developed by Marshall Rosenberg, a heartful visionary who grew up within the inner city violence of Detroit and was deeply moved to develop ways to build bridges, and resolve conflicts more peacefully.
By the 1960's, he became a Dr. of Psychology & mediator. He Developed an in depth framework and basic structure for what he originally called Nonviolent Communication.
NVC emphasizes Empathy, Compassion, Non Judgment, Deep Listening, and expressing honestly through:
The Four Components of NVC:
Observations without Judgment, Feelings, Needs, & Requests.
In his teachings, he offers deep insights and practical applications for each of these.
As a peacemaker, teacher, and author, he shared his passion for creating compassionate relationships worldwide which is now maintained through the Centre for Nonviolent Communication.
3. Ancient Wisdom Traditions
The teachings of Conscious Hearted Communication are influenced by personal experiences and teachings of many Ancient Wisdom Traditions that we have been blessed to receive and practice from the 4 corners of the world, with a focus in Nature based wisdom, mindfulness, ecstatic, meditative breathwork, contemplative, and practical applications to cultivate Awareness, Clarity, Compassion, and Union with this Sacred Gift of Life that dwells within each and every one of us ~
Every Living Being.
Please feel welcome to contact us to learn more.

Values of LoveAlive
Our Guiding Light
Humility & Respect
We honour the dignity of all people, treating people with care and promoting self respect.
Humility is a state beyond self orientation, an empathic awareness of the life that surrounds us, leading to an energy of Reverence, Wonder, and Grace.
Holding a perspective of non-assumption; an attitude of seeking to understand.
Integrity & Honesty
We live by our Values and follow through with commitments. Integrity is when our actions are congruent with our words and energy. Speaking and inner reflection guided by Truth and Love.
Conscious Courageous Relationship
& Emotional Responsibility
We promote and cultivate emotionally responsible relationships ~ taking 100% responsibility for how we choose to respond to our experience.
We cultivate Vulnerable Leadership and Authentic Connection.
We value Balance in relationship ~ to honour the feelings and needs of both self and other.
Compassionate Interconnectedness
Spirit flows through all life. We all rely on one another to live, including the elements, plants, and animals, and unto the Great Mystery of the universe.
We are all a part of One Whole Being. With appreciation for the Gift of Life,
we cultivate active compassion for All our Relations.
Balance & Reciprocity
Giving and Receiving are 2 parts of one cycle.
We honour the cycles of seasons, life & death, elements, & polarities. We honour all aspects of human being - mind, heart, spirit, & body and the spectrum of human feeling;
acknowledging the roles of these in harmony.
Curiosity, Fun, & Humor
We seek to understand the hidden workings of ourselves, our lives,and the mysteries; to ponder more deeply, (“get curious” about) that which we may have taken for granted or assumed about what reality is and our role in creating our experience of it.
We embrace the medicine of laughter, humour, and play.
Creativity opens a freedom for the Mind, Heart, Body, and Spirit to alchemize and integrate polarities; the known and the unknown, the conscious and unconscious; it is key to healing and Transformation. Creativity is a defining feature of humanity, culture, and resilience.
Creativity is integral to activate healing and transformation within individuals and groups ~ As people have through the arts in all cultures since the beginning of time.
Values ~ An Inner Guiding Light
Values are an inner Guiding Light. They are always there to help guide your path and take you where you really want to go. They can help clear away the murkiest fog and steer you in the right direction when things go sideways ~ as long as you know your Values and choose to work with them, they can be a very powerful tool.
“Allow your heartfelt Values to help you guide your way and
be a Conscious Creator of your Life.”
~ Rebecca Goutal, Co-Founder of LoveAlive Transformative Arts & Therapy
Our passion is to assist others to experience profound awakening & the joy of true Love and Fulfillment.
We so look forward to meeting you and walking beside you on your transformative journey!
We Welcome you to

& Embrace support here
Vince Wishart
Registered Therapeutic Counsellor

Rebecca Goutal BFA
Registered Therapeutic Counsellor

As we offer our services through LoveAlive, we are filled with wonder and gratitude for this Sacred Gift of Life and give thanks for All that Sustains Life, our beloved Family, our dear Friends, cherished Teachers, and all of the life experience we have been blessed with.
Many Blessings